• Encyclopedias

  • EMC – Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale

    A reference work for students or health professionals, offering encyclopaedic articles in French.

    The EMC is exclusively available on Clinical Key Now except for the 3 treatises Podologie, Savoirs et soins infirmiers and Vétérinaire which remain on EM Premium.

    For access to Clinical Key Now, it is necessary to create a user account (using an email @chuv.ch or @unil.ch or @unisante.ch) in order to benefit from the complete reading and downloading functionalities.

    Users from outside UNIL or CHUV communities who come to consult the EMC at the Library can access the full text on a UNIL workstation and request the download of the chapters of their choice from the librarian at the reception desk.

    Licensed access
  • Orphanet

    Portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs

    Free access
  • Other encyclopedias

    Library selection.

    Licensed access