PRISMA for Searching: New extension for Reporting Literature Searches in Systematic Reviews

Literature searches are a crucial component of systematic reviews and related review types. The reporting of search methods and information sources in a clear and reproducible way is essential.

The new extension PRISMA-S (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses literature search extension) provides detailed guidance on reporting the literature search items of a systematic review.

The checklist includes 16 reporting items and should be used in conjunction with the explanatory document, which provides more information and concrete examples for each of the headings:

An official update of the PRISMA statement for the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses is currently under development. The PRISMA 2020 statement preprint is already available.

The Library’s information specialists provide a tailored systematic review support service for CHUV and FBM staff.

Published: 11.02.2021